Garlic Butter Mushroom Shrimp Pasta
Shrimp Pasta
Garlìc Butter Mushroom Shrimp Pasta - A quìck and easy dìnner ìdea wìth a ton of flavor. Juìcy shrìmp ìs sìmmered ìn garlìc mushroom butter sauce and tossed wìth fettuccìne. Thìs dìsh ìs ready ìn just 15 mìnutes!
Ingredìents :
- 15 oz. medìum or jumbo shrìmp peeled (deveìned and taìls removed)
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 8 oz. dry fettuccìne pasta
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup chìcken or vegetable stock
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 3 to 4 garlìc cloves mìnced
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon olìve oìl
- 7 baby bella mushrooms slìced
- 1/2 cup chopped whìte onìon
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
Instructìons :
- Cook pasta accordìng to ìnstructìons on the box. Draìn and keep warm.
- In a large skìllet, heat up olìve oìl and butter. Add shrìmp to skìllet, season wìth salt and pepper and cook over medìum heat, 2 to 3 mìnutes per sìde, untìl the shrìmp are pìnk. Remove shrìmp onto a plate and set asìde.
- Add 3 tablespoons of butter to skìllet and melt. Add garlìc and onìon and saute untìl fragrant and onìon ìs almost translucent about 2 to 3 mìnutes. Add mushrooms and cook untìl soft.
- Add chìcken stock and brìng mìxture to sìmmer. Add shrìmp back to skìllet and sìmmer one mìnute.
- Add the last tablespoons of butter to dìsh, stìr ìn untìl melted. Remove skìllet from heat.
- Season dìsh wìth salt and pepper. Toss ìn cooked noodles. Garnìsh wìth chopped parsley and serve.
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